
Philips Norelco 1150x/40 SensoTouch 2d Electric Shaver Reviews

I'm 45, been shaving for ages now, and I have to say, of all the razors I've owned that are of an electric model, this one is the first one to do the complete job. What I mean by that is with electric razors of the past, I'd shave my cheeks and moustache area, and that'd all go well. When it came time to shave the hair on my neck, not so good. I'd have to do that part with a blade. Which kind of defeated the purpose really as I preferred electrics. I would replace the blades, tried a few models over the years, and I'd still have to do cleanup work (if not all the work depending on the specific unit) with a blade. This new one though deals with the neck hair, too. I have thick course neck hair, a lot more course than the stuff on my cheeks, and I when I tried my neck hair with this new razor, I wasn't expecting much. To my surprise, it worked! I was stunned, as I've never had an electric that's done that for me before. I give this thing five stars quite easily, and without exaggeration. Feels nice in my hand, too. The heads collapse and move around to contour to my face, which is probably why it works on the neck hair so well. A lot of my previous electrics were "hard heads", which didn't contour much - if at all. If you have hard to shave neck hair, I suggest trying this razor - it worked for me! UPDATE (Jan 20, 2011): I posted this review in September 2010, and after I wrote it, I continued to use the razor after that. I can add that the battery life was most excellent. I did not have to recharge it until early January, so the battery lasted for about 3.5 months. Now I didn't use it every single day, I'm a "shave every 3 days" kind of guy, but still. That was a long time between charges. I continue to be most impressed with this razor.

